Junipurr brought 5 bundles of joy into the world on December 14, 2016. Three girls and two boys.
Kittens are $1500 each, and we are accepting deposits now. Three kittens are available from this litter. Review our Sales Contract.
Junipurr brought 5 bundles of joy into the world on December 14, 2016. Three girls and two boys.
Kittens are $1500 each, and we are accepting deposits now. Three kittens are available from this litter. Review our Sales Contract.
SOLD | Holly is curious and observant, and a quick learner! She and her sister Mistletoe look almost the same.
SOLD | Claws is a very playful and purrs up a storm! He also answers to Claus.
SOLD | Solstice is a sweet boy who loves to snuggle just as much as he loves to play!
SOLD | Mistletoe is always the first to try something new; she is quick and curious.
SOLD | Noelle is very sweet-tempered with a sweet face to match.